Friday, February 28, 2014

PvP Event Starts Today!

The PvP event is back.

You can read the overview of this event here. It looks like they've kept some of the new mechanics, including the "double down" system. However, rifts have gone away, and the boss monster is back - so save up your Valor Tokens and raid against the Warrior King of Desolation. Also, like any event boss, you can expect him to have a chance to enrage halfway through the event for double trophies.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Time for Troop Wars!

Troop wars starts today. If you don't know what you're doing, see the event summary here.

Maximizing Grabs

Ah, the ultimate grab. Perhaps you got some from an event reward? Perhaps you spent your hard-earned gold. The ultimate grab holds so much promise.

Will you get an epic monster? An ultra? Maybe a super? Well, at least a special, right? Right?

And then the slot machine spins, slows, and comes to rest on a pathetic little rare. The same rare you assembled from puzzle pieces in Teepee Hollow when you were level 10...

Ultimate grabs are a rare resource for the non-spender, and one of the very few ways to get ultra and epic monsters. It's easy to get excited and use them immediately. However, like many things in Battle Camp, you can get an advantage if you're patient.

Ultimate grabs are special because they're the only grab with the "spin bonus". The spin bonus gives you extra stuff for spending several grabs one after another. PennyPop hopes this will entice you to spend real money on gold, to get a few more spins, but you can just as easily save up your ultimate grabs in order to get spin bonuses.

The spin bonuses do the following:
  • 3 spins - you get 5 free energy and one monster grab.
  • 6 spins - you get 10 free energy and one avatar grab.
  • 9 spins - you get one random booster and one ultimate grab.
So, if you're willing to save your grabs, you can get some pretty good advantages. Here's how:
  1. Wait until an event is happening, and your troop is fighting a raid boss. Have a full 5 energy.
  2. Spend 10 or 15 spins.
  3. You now have 20 energy. If you're lucky, you also got an elemental booster that you can use.
20 energy is enough for two full-blast 11x damage hits. That's about 3 hours worth of energy, plus the 10% damage boost for using 10 energy at a time. An element booster that matches your team will give you another big boost. That's a nice chunk of extra trophies, no gold required. (If you do have some gold, this might be a good time to spend it though, before the booster runs out.)

It can be hard to save those grabs through a couple events, but the reward is pretty nice. And, of course, you still get whatever monsters came out of your ultimate grabs, plus a monster grab and a piece of avatar clothing to boot.

So next time you win an ultimate grab, don't spend it right away. Think about how disappointed you're going to be when you get that useless rare, and wait. Because you'll feel a lot better about getting useless rares when they come with boosters and free energy.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Holiday Events - River Crossing and Winter Peak

River Crossing and Winter Peak are zones that are only open for events. Most of the holiday events happen here (Halloween, Valentine's Day), as well as some others (Plumb Rotten, for example).

For each event, the zone is redecorated, and the event characters are different, but the event itself works the same way every time.

Each event has a raid boss, who waits near the top of the zone. This boss is the primary source of trophies, and as usual, you want as many trophies as possible to get your trophy quantity, individual rank, and troop rank rewards.

To engage the raid boss, your troop must donate special monsters. The type of special differs for each event, but they can always be found only by fighting in the River Crossing zone. Once you've donated enough specials, you can engage the boss in battle. Win to get trophies, and choose higher difficulties to get more trophies.

After every battle with the raid boss, the number of specials required to engage increases. The amount of trophies given by the boss also increases every time you beat him.

As with other events, when the event is halfway over, the boss gains a chance to become enraged. An enraged boss has more HP and hits harder than the same difficulty non-enraged, but the enraged boss will give double trophies to those who beat him.

In addition to the raid boss, there is also a lieutenant. The lieutenant requires you to battle monsters around River Crossing before you can battle him. First he requires 2 battles, then 4, 6, 8 and finally 10. Once you've battled enough monsters, you can fight him. (He has a 30 minute timer, but if you don't beat him, it just resets.)

Beating the lieutenant gives you a guaranteed event special to donate to the boss. It also grants 5 event tokens. These are the generic tokens that are used in many events, so you may already have some.

Mortimer also appears in these events. After every five battles you have in the zone (not including the boss or lieutenant), Mortimer will challenge you to a duel. If you win, you get 25 trophies. Mortimer is a wimp, and super or better teams can generally beat him easily with 1 energy. For some, though, the 25 trophies aren't worth it, so many players simply ignore him.

Mortimer has a 15 minute timer - if you wait longer than that to battle him, he'll go away again until you beat another 5 monsters.

Finally, there is a trader. The trader takes event tokens and gives you something in return. You can trade directly for trophies or energy. For a lot of tokens, you can get a rare monster unique to the event, or an event costume. Remember, you can use your event tokens from previous events, or you can save them for upcoming events if you're an obsessive monster or clothing collector.

Now go get those trophies, and I'll see you in River Crossing or Winter Peak the next time a holiday rolls around!

Valentine's Event

Valentines Day has come and gone, and I've been a bit remiss in my duties!

The Valentine's event started about a week ago, and thanks real world responsibilities, I wasn't able to get a detailed post up in time. However, all of the events that happen in River Crossing follow the same system, just with slightly different characters. So, my next post will cover River Crossing events in general. This will hopefully serve as a guide for all the holiday events going forward (at least until Battle Camp gets some new zones!)

Having covered the recurring events (Towers, PvP, Troop Wars) and the holiday events, I'll have time to post more about strategy, evolution, and lots of other fun topics. Stay tuned!