Monday, January 6, 2014

Troop Wars

Troop Wars is a regularly recurring event in Battle Camp. It is a raiding event, but with a little bit of PvP flavor.

First, troop admins must select times to battle. Slots are available every four hours, and a troop may sign up for as many as they wish. Each battle lasts an hour. Slots are selected in the Events tab of the Quests menu.

At the start of the battle, each troop puts their pet in the arena, to defend their flag. Then each troop attacks the other's pet. Players can also donate specials to their pet to heal it. Players earn trophies by dealing damage to the enemy pet.

If your troop defeats the enemy pet, you are able to attack the enemy flag. The enemy's flag can absorb infinite damage, and all damage done to it earns twice as many trophies as damaging the pet.

At the end of the battle, the troops are rated by the number of trophies they've earned. (Player totals are added up to get the troop total.) EDIT: The troop total is also multiplied based on wins and losses. If you win, the number of trophies for that battle is doubled in your troop total. If you lose, only 70% of that battle's trophies are added to your troop total. Whichever troop has earned more trophies during the battle is declared the winner. Winning earns bragging rights, but not much else. Ultimately, it will be the total number of trophies at the end of the event that determines event rewards.


Like most events, there are three ways to earn rewards in Troop Wars.

  1. Trophy rewards - These are set rewards for earning certain quantities of trophies. For example, for the current Troop Wars event, a player who earns 100 trophies gets a 250 stone reward. These are the only rewards that are payed out immediately, as soon as the player has accumulated the necessary amount of trophies.
  2. Leaderboard rewards - These are rewards for the player's individual performance in the event, as compared to all the other players. All players are ranked on the individual leaderboard, which is separated into tiers. For example, the ten players with the most trophies are in tier one, and the 11-40th place players are in tier two. Leaderboard positions are finalized at the end of the event, and shortly afterward each player earns a reward based on their individual tier.
  3. Troop Leaderboard rewards - These work the same as the individual leaderboard rewards, but ranks are based on an entire troop's performance, as compared to other troops.
All rewards can be viewed from the Events tab of the Quests menu. Current individual and troop trophies, ranks and tiers can be viewed in the Leaders menu (which only shows up during the event). Your individual trophies and rank are also viewable from the blue ribbon on the left side of the screen. However, be aware that ranks can take several hours to update. 


  • Leveling your pet (by feeding it specials outside Troop Wars) will increase its HP. This will force enemy troops to spend more damage defeating it, and they will have less opportunity to damage your flag and earn double trophies.
  • All pets are Leaf, Water, or Fire element. When attacking the enemy pet, it pays to use monsters of the opposing element (i.e. use fire against leaf, water against fire, and leaf against water).
  • Event monsters (from the event grab) are extremely useful in Troop Wars. Each time the Troop Wars event comes around again, you are able to reuse them, and you'll always be facing the same fire, water or leaf pets.
  • If your troop does have players with event monsters, they should lead the charge against the enemy pet. If other players can save their energy until the enemy pet is dead, they can earn double trophies against the enemy flag.

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