Thursday, January 23, 2014

PvP Event

The PvP Event is a regularly recurring event in Battle Camp. As of the Jan. 2014 update, the format of this event changed slightly, so if you've played it before, you'll notice some differences.

First, you'll need to understand the differences between player vs. player (PvP) combat and player vs. environment (PvE) combat.

  1. In PvP, each of your monsters have an individual hit-point bar (instead of the single team HP bar in PvE). Combos of 3 and 4 hearts only heal one monster. Combos of 5 or more hearts still heal all your monsters.
  2. PvP is nearly real-time. Like raiding, it pays to be quick. Getting your attack in before your opponent is often the difference between life and death.
To participate in PvP, you need to head to the PvP Fort. You'll find a platform in the center of the area, where the Battlemaster stands. Talk to the Battlemaster to queue up for a PvP battle with another player.

The Battlemaster determines how "strong" you are by looking at all your monsters (even those in storage) and picking the 5 best. So even if your team consists of low-level monsters, if you have an inventory full of epics, you'll be facing tougher opponents. Your PvP rating (determined by your PvP win-loss ratio), is also taken into account.

In the past, PvP matches cost a flat 2 energy, but this has changed. You can still start a match for 2 energy, but you can also pay more - up to 11 energy. If you do, your trophy rewards, and the experience gained for victory, will be ramped up accordingly.

You may have to wait for a while to be matched up. The wait can be very short during peak hours, and can be several minutes during quiet periods. Then you'll be thrown into battle. If you lose, you get no experience for your match. You also get a considerably decreased amount of trophies and a single Valor Token. If you win, you get more trophies, five Valor Tokens, and experience.

Another new feature is "double down". When you win a PvP match, you get the chance to "double down". You pay the same amount of energy for another battle. Winning that one gets you the usual trophies, plus extra bonus trophies. Continuing to win matches earns you more and more bonus trophies. The downside is that losing any of these "double down" matches will cause you to lose ALL the trophies you've gotten from that string of wins. 

However, if you do lose, you can buy yourself a second chance to save your trophies by paying a fee in gold. The cost depends on the amount of energy you've spent.

The final part of the event is the part that requires troop participation. If you've played previously, you'll remember that the event used to have troops donate their Valor Tokens to unlock a raid monster. It was always kind of odd for the PvP event to culminate in a PvE battle. Now, however, the raid monsters are gone, replaced with a new mechanic.

Now, donating Valor Tokens unlocks a "rift" for one hour. While the rift is active, everyone in your troop earns double trophies from PvP matches. Winning your matches while the rift is open earns Rift Tokens. Getting enough of these tokens before the hour ends activates a "deep rift", which grants even more bonus trophies. So, it pays to coordinate with your troop-mates.

The PvP event uses the same trophy rewards systems as the other recurring events. You can win immediate rewards from hitting certain quantities of trophies. You can also win individual and troop rewards at the end of the event, based on where you rank compared to other players and troops.

  • Talk with your troop and try to get everyone participating when rifts are active. The rift automatically opens when enough Valor Tokens have been donated, so only donate the final tokens when everyone is ready.
  • If you're going to spend gold, try to do it during rifts to get even more out of it.
  • Boosters do work during the event. It feels a little cheap, but it can make a big difference.
  • If you have Event Tokens in your inventory, remember that you can trade them for energy, specials, event monsters, and trophies. Talk to the trader in the PvP Fort.
  • Teams that include multiple monsters of the same element can be very powerful in PvP. As long as you have 5 or more gems of the appropriate element on your starting board, you can start the match with a very powerful attack against all of the enemy monsters. The downside is that a bad starting board can spell disaster, as you burn useless gems while your opponent kills you.

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