Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Troop Dungeon Changes

The troop dungeon feature has been out less than two weeks, and we've already gotten an update for it. There are two small changes, both of which should improve your rewards if your troop runs the dungeon frequently.


Next time you enter your troop hall, you'll find Sargent Lovejoy waiting for you. He's collecting "seal" items, which now drop every time you successfully complete the troop dungeon. When your troop donates 100 seals, everyone gets mailed a mystery egg.

Dungeon Ranks

The other change is the addition of troop dungeon ranks. Every time a person in your troop completes the dungeon, your troop earns a small amount of "dungeon experience". Higher difficulties earn more than lower difficulties. Earn enough dungeon experience, and your troop's "dungeon rank" will increase.

According to PennyPop, a higher dungeon rank is supposed to increase your likelihood of better drops from the dungeon. Unfortunately, nothing actually says what sort of improvement you'll get. The change has only been out for a day, but my troop hasn't noticed much of a difference so far.

Be aware that your troop rank will reset every day, at the same time the dungeon element changes. Check the countdown on the troop dungeon popup to see how long you have until the next reset.

Mo' Rewards, Mo'...Fun?

I don't think these changes are going to cause everyone to start doing troop dungeon runs if they weren't already. But they do add some additional rewards if you are participating. They also add a little more feel of community, since your whole troop can work on filling the bar toward a mystery egg. All in all, I think it's a good update to an already pretty solid feature.


  1. I think it would be better if the dungeon didn't reset daily. Sucks wasting all your energy to get it to level 3 or 4 and still get shit drops, as in shit drops I mean only 300 stones and a seal.

  2. It happens when the dungeon reset I wish it was all day.
