Friday, March 14, 2014

I, Joebot

It's not a holiday (unless you count Pi Day), but brand new holiday-style event called "I, Joebot" has started in Winter Peak. The zone has been redecorated as a robot laboratory, and it's swarming with rock and fire monsters.

Just like any other holiday event, you're collecting event specials to donate to the boss so you can raid. The specials for this event are rock monsters called "Spybots".

There's also the standard trader NPC - Mayaspace this time - who will sell you trophies, energy, specials, event rares, and event costumes for your event tokens.

Cool New Event Mechanics!

The lieutenant this time around is a robot named Twitterbell, but she works a little differently from the lieutenant fights in previous events. Firstly, when you engage her, you have to pick a difficulty level. Then, you're faced with a cave battle, including multiple waves of robots. For the final wave you'll face Twitterbell herself. She always rewards a single Spybot and five event tokens. Additionally, she awards some amount of trophies, which varies based on the difficulty you chose.

The other big change with this event is the introduction of event quests. These are quests that you complete by participating in the event. These quests reset daily, and it looks like there may be different variations each day. The ones for today are:
  • Twitterbell Takedown - Defeat Twitterbell 1 time. (Missed the reward text).
  • Raid Boss Takedown - Defeat the raid boss 1 time. Rewards 50 trophies.
  • Mortimer Takedown - Defeat Mortimer 1 time. Rewards one super candy special.
  • Raid Boss Donation - Donate 1 Spybot to Joebot. Rewards 5 event tokens.
  • Daily Event Completion (4 parts) - Complete all of today's event quests. Rewards 1 Freezoid piece.
  • Event All-Star (50 parts) - Complete all of the event quests. Rewards 1 epic candy special.
This is a pretty cool addition, adding some extra spice to the standard "grind monsters, fight lieutenant, fight boss" routine.

This is a 10 day event, so you have until March 23 or 24th (depending on your time zone) to kick some robot butt.

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